RX - Schedules
Now that you have created your teams, venues, and competitions, you are now ready to create the schedule. There are two primary methods used to schedule a match. This can be a time-consuming task, and it must be repeated for each competition you have.
At the beginning of the season, you can import the schedule which is referred to as a Draw Import. To do this, you will need to utilize a specific xls format. The first step is to download the template by going to your Admin portal. Expand Competition Management in the left menu bar, and select Draw Builder. At the top, select the link for Draw Import. In the dropdown, select the competition you are adding. In the upper right, you see the option to download the Excel template.
On that same screen, you should see the teams you have added to this competition as well as the default venues for each team. If there is a team playing at a second location, you can add that in the field just above the current list of venues. If you have named your venues correctly, it should be easy to search by typing the first few letters of that team.
​Open your Excel file to begin adding information:
Round Number - We advise using a week-to-week round system. All unions face rescheduling matches for weather and other reasons, so often there will be an open weekend for makeups. However, RX works by rounds of the next uncompleted match. If you reschedule a match from Sept 7 to Dec 5 but keep the round the same, RX will open this match by default as it will be the earliest uncompleted match according to round (as opposed to date). Team admins will be forced to scroll through weeks of matches to get to the correct one. The easiest solution is to use a master file such as Match Round Dates to keep rounds identical across all competitions. If a match does get rescheduled, remember to update the date and the corresponding round number.​
Round Type - For the regular matrix season, simply copy "Regular" down the column for all matches.
Round Name & Match Name - These two fields were just recently added but are not currently being utilized. You can add text to these fields and it will pull through to the match.
Home Team and Away Team - These must be an exact match. Find the team on the draw import screen in RX and click the copy option next to the team (it looks like a box on top of a box). When you paste it in to Excel, the exact name of the team will copy over.
Venue ID - Use the same process as above. However, when you copy the venue, you will past the ID code as opposed to the venue name
Date & Time - Add the information. If a team is playing on a Thursday/Friday/Sunday, use the round for that that Saturday. This is similar to the NFL where Week 2 is every game played from Thursday through Monday.
BYE - Not necessary to use unless you want to show a bye for a specific team.
TBA - If you have your teams and venue, you do not need TBA. This could be used, for example, in the playoffs where teams have not yet been determined.
Save your file to your hard drive.
In your Admin Portal, go back to the Draw Import screen. Near the bottom, select upload to select your file from the hard drive. Once it has uploaded, the screen below will populate with your information by round. Select Publish if everything looks good. If not, select Delete to go back and make any corrections.
You may only import once per competition. You cannot import half of the schedule and then import the remainders later. Once a match has been added to a competition, the import function will no longer work. Therefore, it is best to import the full schedule first. Any changes or additional matches can be made afterwards.
The video below will guide you thought the steps to import a schedule or draw. You can expand the video to full screen for a better view.
RX Frequently Asked Questions – provided by USA Rugby
The CGRU has create a Facebook help group for RX admins: